PTA eNews Updates – January 14, 2021

Quote of the week: 

The secret of getting ahead is getting started!


Welcome back!  We hope you all had a safe and relaxing Christmas break! 

Kupu Kupu Foundation
During the break, Ibu Sharon and the charity team went to visit the Kupu Kupu foundation to drop the donations that were collected the last term. Here are a few photos to show you how happy they were! 

Thank you once again to everyone who donated!


Batik Masks
Check out the batik masks available to purchase. These are 3 ply following the government standards.

Children and adult sizes available @ 35,000 per mask.

See Ibu Indira in the office or WA us on 081805503125 to order.


PTA Ideas
If anyone has any ideas on fundraising or activities we could do for this semester, please send us a WA or email – +62.81.805503125 / 


Happy Weekend Everyone!